Monday, January 28, 2008

gas leak

holy ambien, batman!

the girls and i just woke up from a THREE-HOUR NAP! wtf? granted, they are growing little beans, and i haven't slept since 2003.

but still, i think i'd better check the house for gas leaks...


Suzi said...

I think it must be the properly closing garage door. Closed door keeping in fumes, making kids sleep!!

I think it's not fair that YOUR door is fixed but mine is still screaming like a orangutan w/his tail in a vice (do orangutan's HAVE tails??). Here's the funny thing, when the temp is ABOVE freezing, it works fine. Only when I DON'T NEED the garage does it work. When I NEED it, no dice!

Debbie said...

Woman, you crack me up. I can't wait to read your blog every day.