Friday, February 15, 2008

i have made an important discovery

and i feel i would be remiss as a human being if i did not share it with the world.

it is hershey's special dark cocoa.

now, i am normally a milk chocolate kind of gal. but this stuff makes awesome cakes and cupcakes, and freakishly good hot cocoa. see for yourself:

freakishly good hot cocoa
  • 1 c milk (or soy milk)
  • 2 T sugar
  • 2 T hershey's special dark cocoa
  • dash salt
  • 1/4 t vanilla
  1. heat the milk as much as you like (i prefer it just this side of undrinkably hot)
  2. mix the sugar, cocoa and salt
  3. add a bit of the milk to the cocoa mix and stir to make a paste
  4. add the rest of the milk and the vanilla; stir well
  5. pour the cocoa through a strainer into a mug
  6. sip
  7. drift off to your happy place

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