Wednesday, February 13, 2008

imaginary band names

back in my teens and 20s, i had a long run of dating musicians. consequently, i own some horrendous mix tapes, i can carry a bass amp as big as me, and i've had occasion to dream up lots of potential band names.

since then, band name ideas have also percolated up from funny things said by friends, the handsome man, and things one and two.

so this is for the kids out there: feel free to crib one of these for your next band. just say nice things about me when you make the cover of rolling stone.

♪beat cancel
♪snot on my arm
♪sex coma

1 comment:

Suzi said...

The best name I could come up with was "Frozen Goose Poop". I think it would be an AWESOME name. I'd totally go see them